Monday, March 2, 2015

Whatever you are, be a good one.

Once a month I get to go to a class that's just for student athletes. Tonight my teacher gave a lesson about all the qualities we possess as athletes and how we can use those outside of sports. He then told us that our sports career will end and we will pursue other things that are important to us in life. He shared a quote by Abraham Lincoln that says, " Whatever you are, be a good one."

In that moment I asked myself what am I now that my role as an athlete is over? I know I am a student. Which that is also coming to an end and I will have to start finding more permanent jobs that offer a salary that will let me live on my own comfortably. When I started listing these things I told myself that I am constantly growing and changing. I can't expect my life to stand still in order for me to catch up. I have often found myself settling for things that I should never settle for. After reading this quote I knew that whatever I am, I am going to be the best! Finishing school I am going to be a great student and work hard to get the best grades I can. When I find a job I will push myself to be a good employee and a hard worker.

As women we often find ourselves comparing what we have or what we are to others. We measure our flaws to the great qualities of others. We try to fit in by buying the latest clothes to fit the latest trend or cut our hair because that's what so and so did and they look amazing. This is when we start to lose our identity and lose our originality.

In honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday I find it fitting to use one of his quotes. I come back to this quote every time I have a day where I feel like I am struggling with something about myself, whether it is my height or my appearance. The quote says, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" We all have great qualities that are meant to be shared with the world and not hidden inside of us.

I challenge whoever is reading this to write down everything that you are or want to be and pick one to be good at. It can be a talent you want to perfect or it can be a quality that you possess that you want to strengthen. It can be whatever you want it to be. Stand out from the rest of the crowd and be yourself. We are all different and unique and we should use those as strengths. Never see them as weaknesses.

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