Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

        Abraham Lincoln once said, "All that I am or every hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."

How true is this? I can honestly say that my mom has helped me be the woman I am today. I remember growing up I thought that wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, a ponytail every day, and no makeup was the best thing. I was always wanting to be with the guys and play sports. I remember my mom would always beg to just have my hair down for a day. I also remember I told my mom that I will never wear lipstick.

Today I own multiple lipsticks, I try different hairstyles, I wear dresses all the time and heels. I owe all of this to my mom. She has the best style and the best taste for shoes. Thanks for putting up with me through my awkward stages in life.

Not only has she helped me be more like a woman in that sense, she has helped me learn how to cook and keep a tidy house. Going off to college and living on my own has made me appreciate how much work my mom has done for our family. I can proudly say because of my mom I haven't had to make the typical college menu of top ramen, cup of noodles, and mac and cheese. Because of my mom I've been able to understand the importance keeping my apartment clean and tidy. Now that I am living on my own I can cook, clean and keep my apartment how my mom keeps our house.

I am also grateful for the love and compassion she has for others. She will do anything for anyone and she always has a smile on her face. She has shown me that by being selfless and doing good for others you will find happiness.

I love my mom with all my heart, and I am so happy that we are close and I can call her and have hour long talks about silly stuff. She is my idol and I try to be like her every day!

To all the moms out there, you really are the heroes in today's world! Thank you for raising your kids the best that you can. Thank you for staying up late and waking up early. Thank you for working hard to put food on the table. Thank you for everything you do.

And to the single dad's out there doing their best to raise their kids. Happy mother's day to you too!