Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone


I have had the opportunity to have amazing roommates throughout my college career. Bre, the girl in the picture, has become someone who inspires me to improve my talents and be a better person. I've always wanted to learn how to sing and coincidently she has the voice of an angel. I asked her one night if she could sit down with me and help me sing and she didn't even hesitate to say yes. We have had many late nights working on songs, hitting notes, and singing duets. She has helped me feel more confident in myself and make me want to enhance this talent. I have only sang in front of her for a few weeks and tonight she made me go sing in front of other people. I've played in volleyball tournaments for a gold medal and I've played in piano competitions in front of judges and other talented pianists. I can honestly say this was the most nerve racking thing I've done. We went and performed and I did pretty good for my first time singing in front of people. I am grateful that I was able to have a friend that got me out of my comfort zone and make me sing.

Brian Tracey said: "Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new."

This quote is applicable to everything we do. I definitely felt uncomfortable singing, but afterwards I did feel like I grew and now I don't feel as scared singing. I think we tend to hold back what we want to do sometimes because we are scared others might not like it and we don't want people to not like the things we do. In life we are going to get negative feedback at some point or another. This shouldn't mean we don't go follow what we want. We should never be scared to do something we are passionate about. Follow your dreams and improve your talents, then go show them off to the world. Be proud of who you are and the qualities you possess.

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