"Dreams change, trends come and go but friendship never goes out of style."
- Carrie Bradshaw
I met Kendahl my junior year at college. We were on the same volleyball team and that's how it all began. We realized we both liked makeup, shopping, sports and Netflix. (Who doesn't like those?) We became best friends and nothing has changed to this day. We definitely know how to keep each other sane when problems come up. I think people look at us and think we are crazy because we are usually laughing or being really sarcastic to each other at times that might not be the most appropriate. Even though we live in different states we know that nothing will change from when we go home to when we see each other next. I am so grateful for having a friend who I look up to and is a great example to me.
Friendship is something that I think we take for granted when we are in high school. We have so many friends that we think when college comes we will have all of these friends to conquer the world with. This might be true for some people but for the most part after high school everyone moves to different states or they go to different schools and you find that you rarely talk to them anymore. College is where you meet your friends for life. I have had the opportunity to go to two different colleges and meet some pretty incredible people who I know will be lifelong friends. I believe it's important to have a best friend who you can talk to about problems, or just to go out to lunch and have a girls day with. Call up your best friend and tell them how grateful you are for them in your life.
Feel free to share your stories about you and your best friend. I would love to hear them!